No driving, lying down, exercising, shopping, smoking/vaping, or working during sessions.
- Our "Instructor-Led" virtual classes are conducted through ZOOM. Therefore, it is essential that you obtain Internet access for your scheduled sessions/classes. It is YOUR responsibility to know how to use Zoom. You will be required to log on to your scheduled Zoom classes each day during the scheduled class time to receive a certificate of completion. A few days prior to your scheduled class, you will receive sign on information via the email you provided on the registration form. If you do not have resources necessary to sign on to the classes via Zoom, please find someone who can assist you as it is pertinent.
- It is also strongly encouraged participants to be fully engaged in the class because a test will be given on the last day of class.
- You MUST have a working camera on your device so that you could be visible during all virtual sessions. Instructor must have your undivided attention. Therefore, you must be in a quiet space.
- Full participation is required to receive certificate. Your attendance will be verified before and after each session and breaks. Therefore, you must return from breaks on time for full participation. No partial credit will be given.
- No missed sessions are allowed. If you miss a session, then you will have to start again in a different course, beginning with session one. No refunds or make-up classes are offered due to missed sessions.
- Late arrivals WILL NOT be admitted to sign onto classes after roll call and classes have begun. Fee will be forfeited.
- You must dress appropriately during all virtual sessions; No sleepwear or revealing clothing is allowed. Since you will be visible online, you will not be able to lie down or take the device into the restroom.
- Disruptive individuals will be BANNED and will be unsuccessfully discharged. Fee will be forfeited.
- You must complete all assignments and turn them in to the instructor when requested.
- After all virtual sessions are successfully completed, you will be administered a test and a score of 70 or higher must be obtained to receive your certificate of completion.